
Archive for the ‘Sci-Fi’ Category

Flying MacBook

June 25th, 2009 makii Comments off

I hope mine does not fly away like this one day…

Categories: Mac, Sci-Fi, funny, video Tags: , , ,

Curiousities in sci-fi series

March 20th, 2008 makii Comments off

Blogging about curiosities in sci-fi series, I’ve discovered another one. Everybody might now what Star Trek is. And everybody admires the neat looking, glossy touch controls on these cute space ships. They just touch these changing, screens to start a sensor sweep, fire the phasers or eject the warp core. At least that’s what it looks like. Underneath all this advanced technology using gel packs, power conduits and whatever there is still simple, probably serial pointing device, manifesting in a mouse cursor :-)

Pointing Device?!?!?!?

Stargate: Basecode of the Replicators

March 19th, 2008 makii Comments off

I confess, I’m a Stargate fan. I watched every show. At least twice.

And now, due to a recent discovery by The Daily WTF we know why the Asgard didn’t stand a chance against the Replicators. The Replicators’ basecode was written in the most powerful language in the world: JavaScript!!

Replicator Basecode

As derlanders pointed out, take a good look at the code style: What a mess!!!

Categories: Sci-Fi, Stargate, Technology Tags: ,